====== Center Layers in Photoshop ====== In photoshop it is possible to center a layer to another. It is also possible to align layers to selections. To accomplish this, simply follow the instructions bellow: - `CTRL` + Select on the rectangle that is displayed next to a layer's name in the layer's list. This will create a selection that you can align to.{{ :image_editing:photoshop:photoshop_center_layer_select.png |}}\\ - Select the layer you want to align to the other.{{ :image_editing:photoshop:photoshop_center_layer_select2.png |}}\\ - Upon selecting the move tool on the top left corner, alignment options will be idsplayed on the top of the window.{{ :image_editing:photoshop:photoshop_center_layer_move-tool-allign.png |}}