Table of Contents

Learning Japanese

For now there will be mostly links to guides related to Learning Japanese from zero.
This wiki may be expended with guides as needed.

Odder Otter Community

For anyone interested in language learning and cultural exchange, Mana created the Discord community Odder Otter. The Odder Otter server has many members who speak various languages. It is especially useful for people who are interested in learning Japanese.

Learning Hiragana and Katakana

The first step in learning Japanese is to learn the syllabic writing system that Japanese uses. Luckily Tofugu has good guides for both hiragana and katakana.
Learning Hiragana Learning Hiragana can be done with a few days of dedication.

Learning Kanji

Once hiragana can be read properly, kanji and grammar can be. This time a few options present themselves:

Grammar guides and textbook


I believe that reading is very important in practicing Japanese especially when it comes to getting fluent with kanji. For this purpose I think that the browser extension by can be extremely helpful in reading and learning kanji and vocabulary.

Immersion is considered the best way for learning a foreign language. Learning Japanese outside of Japan propose an interesting dilemma as it can feel difficult to meet native Japanese speakers outside of Japan. Thanks to internet it is possible to “simulate” immersion. For example, one could play games like Final Fantasy XIV which allows for players of the global version to play on Japanese servers. By doing so and trying to meet new people and making friends, a simulated state of language immersion becomes possible.